Getting To Know: Aslan Organics

Shane and Emma of Aslan Organics showed up in B.C. in 2010 after accepting a work offer on Vancouver Island with no intention of farming but quickly became eager to start their own food production.

In our first spring, we hastened the building of three raised beds in our small pie-shaped corner lot in an urban setting. We quickly fell in love with the dirt and produce we were making, and the garden just continued to grow.

In 2014 they moved to the Yarrow EcoVillage near Cultus Lake where within one year, they had a quarter acre and 20 laying hens. Now a 1.2 acres organic farm, with roughly 75 birds, customers will find plenty of fresh produce and eggs at market.

Our farm is a nod to the lion character in Chronicles of Narnia, Aslan, who represents the main framework for how we see ourselves as farmers: Earth Keepers; our Christian beliefs have significantly shaped our creation care modus operandi.

Aslan Organics was one of only twelve farms selected to receive a scholarship into J.M Fortier’s “The Market Gardners Master Class.” This has allowed Emma and Shane to go more in depth about how they plan and create success on their farm.

We grow joyfully good food: our farm is a sanctuary for those looking for quiet; our farm is small for those looking to experience simplicity; our farm is efficient for those looking to understand how it’s possible to make a living at organic vegetable farming. We aren’t just producers, we love what we do and we want you to love it too.

Growing organic is essential to Aslan Organics. They reference that for centuries the earth has provided an abundance of crop without the use of chemicals. Living and farming in the Yarrow EcoVillage they are continuously working together with their community and therefore directly impacted by these relationships.

While we sometimes wish we could just eliminate all the aphids, they too have a purpose in the greater ecological systems. It may not always be easy–in fact challenge is often a descriptor of progress because the community needs to agree (we function under consensus)–but we are continually becoming better versions of ourselves because of it.

Shane and Emma are not just producers, they love what they do and they want customers to love it too. It is their belief that the most important aspect of knowing must be our food; to know what we are consuming.

If we become disconnected from our food, we become disconnected from the Earth. If we disconnect ourselves from the Earth, our care and awareness for Mother Nature becomes obsolete, and could prove dangerous to how we treat the only planet that has (thus far) proven to support human life.

They want people to know their farm is a sanctuary for those looking for quiet and small for those looking to experience simplicity.

Our farm is efficient for those looking to understand how it’s possible to make a living at organic vegetable farming.

Although their methods are traditional and wholesome, Emma and Shane have brought their farm into the 21st century through the use of social media. They believe it is an opportunity for everyone to get a sense of what they up to, both professionally on the farm, but also small snippets of insight into their lives.

We believe that one of the best benefits to being “local” is knowing more about the people, something I would argue is inherent to the human condition: We all long for rich community experiences. For us, this farm–and you as our customer–is quickly taking shape as our rich community. We thank you for your support.

To grow a greater range of produce Aslan Organics has dipped it’s feet into greenhouses. As they are significantly warmer, plants can grow faster and thus lengthening the window of production.

We spend a significant amount of time ensuring the sanitization of our greenhouse (frequent weeding, eliminated any diseased plants, frequent browsing for predatory pests) because it’s crucial to the success of our operation.

Be sure to stop by Aslan Organics when coming to market as you may find a veggie you haven’t heard of, like the Hakurei Turnip! A favourite of customers it typically sells out within the first few hours of market.

Zero Waste Month: Okanagan’s Best Products

(Courtesy of Okanagan’s Best Products)

Okanagan’s Best Products has come up with a creative and edible way to reduce their waste at market! Inspired by her passion for sustainability, Kathleen says all of the wooden toothpicks she went through for sampling had to go.

In the past we were going through tens of thousands of toothpics in a market season. These all would end up in the landfill because they are not reusable. While wood is definitely better than plastic in terms of sustainability and environmental impact, it still wasn’t a zero waste situation.

So Kathleen searched for a more sustainable solution and tired it all! Keeping in conjunction with her products, she wanted to make sure that what was being used as tasters was as well.

Once gluten-free products became available in standard grocery shops (though still not at wholesale stores), the decision to move to spaghetti toothpicks was easy.

Okanagan’s Best Products’ initiative has gotten great response from customers. Kathleen says it also provides a space for quick conversations about sustainability, environmental issues, clean food and clean living.

(Courtesy of Okanagan’s Best Products)

…All issues that are part of Okanagan’s Best ethos. In BC, our customers are pretty savvy. They are generally quite switched on about environmental issues because we live in the most beautiful part of the country, and we’d all like to keep it that way. Less waste, more sustainable products just makes sense to them already, so it’s an easy conversation to have!

Kathleen says another great benefit of spaghetti is that if the toothpicks are inadvertently dropped, they will biodegrade and not hard any animals who might come across them.

…And the kids love to just chew on them rather than put them in our garbage.

In addition to the spaghetti tasting spoons, Kathleen says she has been and continues to look into various ways of packaging their products for customers at market, including decomposable bags and butcher paper.

Because our products are kept iced, they are often wet and
cannot be carried in paper bags, so we have no option but to put them in plastic bags. At the moment, many customers bring their own reusable shopping bags, so we often dry the packages of sausage for and place them in their own bags. So we always ask ‘would you like a bag,’ because we do have them available but prefer not to use them. In future, we are thinking of providing reusable cooler shopping bags at cost. We are always on the lookout for ways to reduce our footprint.

Kathleen says that in the continuous search for more sustainable products and practices, she’s come across potential production methods of noted environmentally friendly products that may not be as sustainable as previously thought.

(Courtesy of Okanagan’s Best Products)

We were very surprised ourselves to learn through experience and expense about decomposable plastic bags and how, while touted as ‘environmentally friendly’, the methods used to produce them are not compatible with products that may be moist or damp in terms of immediacy of the decomposing process when wet, and the off-gassing that happens. It does make us wonder about how they are made, what chemicals are used, that they give off a scent when beginning to decompose that can actually affect the products, and just how ‘sustainable’ and ‘environmentally friendly’ they actually are.

For Kathleen and everyone at Okanagan’s Best Products, the opportunity to speak with customers about sustainability at market is always a pleasure.

We have had wonderful market experiences with people who were previously ‘undecided’ about purchasing, actually try and buy our products because our little changes like using spaghetti toothpicks really matter to them.

Zero Waste Month: Growing Fresh

For week three of our Zero Waste Month, we are delving into what Growing Fresh is doing to be more sustainable!

Elevating her own company’s values and vision, Monika says using compostable corn derived plastic cups and wooden spoons for customers of the farmer’s market to use while tasting her products. 

We make organic, vegan, nutrient dense snacks and treats so the environmentally friendly and sustainable theme is already there. Using packaging and taster cups, etc, just goes well with that theme.

Monika says customers appreciate the work she is doing to become more environmentally friendly and she loves having those conversations, whether it be about the success but also any challenges she may face.

The cost of conventional packaging versus environmentally friendly packaging is always a challenge and not all products can be packaged in the most earth friendly manner. Some amount of plastic, even if it’s plant/corn based plastic will need to be used, such as clear cups or plastic lined bags to keep products sealed properly. It’s always a step ninth right direction.

Despite the conventional challenges of going zero waste, Monika says she is always looking for ways to improve her company’s footprint.

I’m always asking myself what can I do better in regards to further reducing waste. And the answers trickle in. Because we are already a plant based food production I think we are ahead anyways.

In speaking with customers, Monika says reducing our waste is for the next generations to come and for the planet too.

We only have one Earth.

Zero Waste Month: Anderson Distilleries

Anderson distilleries sort of fell backwards into zero waste. It’s just the cheapest way to do what we do.

(Courtesy of Anderson Distilleries)

We continue our Zero Waste Month with Anderson Distilleries! Wanting a more fiscal way of disposing spent grain and yeast hulls, Ian Anderson says partnering with local gardeners also allows their solid waste to be taken care of in a more environmentally friendly manner while also providing a free fertilizer alternative for gardeners.

All the community gardens we contacted jumped at the offer of free compost. We no longer need to deliver the compost to the gardens. Individual gardeners now come by the distillery with buckets and pick it up directly. In fact, it doesn’t always have a chance to finish composting before they pick it up. Gardeners will add it to their home composter’s to accelerate decomposition of things like paper and wood.

In addition to this, Anderson Distilleries does not use chemical additives in their brewing process. Although doing so would improve production output, Ian says the cost of such chemicals is greater than the potential value of additional product.

The fact that our products end up being 100% vegan, organic, and kosher is purely aside the point for us. We dont bother with certifications because they add too much of an expense for our current production volume. Our waste stream contains less alcohol per unit volume than a typical household compost pile so there is a strong argument to be made that our spent grain is also halal.

Ian says, ultimately there is no preservatives in their waste stream, which is further separated into liquid and solid.

You could use our liquid waste to water your lawn all summer. The only thing you would notice is that it smelled a little like stale beer for a day or two afterwards. Our liquid waste is disposed of by the GVRD for a small annual fee. We put our solid waste into a composter where it rapidly begins to decompose.

Due to the properties of their waste, Anderson Distilleries’ compost can be roughly compared to horse manure. Ian says their disposal method is purely academic from a business perspective and the fertilizer product is a great addition to this.

Our solid waste is mostly yeast hulls, barley gluten, and grain husks. Yeast hulls and gluten are almost pure protein. The decomposition products of this are extremely high in nitrogen. The husks from the grain add porosity and allow airflow through the composting mass. Commercial waste disposal companies charge extra to dispose of compostable material. Per kilogram, it costs roughly twice as much money to dispose of spent grain when compared to construction waste.

While saving money, Anderson Distilleries is reducing the amount of solid waste that goes into the landfill and is also helping local gardeners receive a free and valuable resource. Ian says they are currently focused on reducing the volume of liquid waste produced so stayed tuned for that!

Zero Waste Month: Central Park Farms

For the month of July, the Coquitlam Farmers Market is highlighting some of the great work vendors are doing to reduce their waste, both at market and throughout their production chains.

(Courtesy of Central Park Farms)

Kendall from market staple, Central Park Farms, says making sustainable choices within her company goes beyond just farming operations.

The goal behind our farm is ‘helping our community make ethical and sustainable food choices,’ so it’s important that we focus on sustainable and zero waste initiatives wherever we can.

Central Park Farms has forged relationships with various companies in food production and supply chain so they can work together to divert food otherwise destined for the land fill. Kendall says their pigs are fed through a cleaver food waste recovery program.

We feed spend brewery grains from local breweries, cast offs from a local organic granola bar manufacture so they get nuts, honey, whey, and oats, and then fruits and vegetables.

(Courtesy of Central Park Farms)

In addition to this program, the farm now simply uses vacuum seal bags for their meats instead of using an additional meat tray, and liner. Kendall says she was a bit concerned about how customers would respond to the change in packaging.

But when I explained to our regular customers why we were changing our packaging they were thrilled. Less waste they have to deal with in their homes as well. Plus as a bonus because the meat takes up less room without the tray we’re now able to use smaller bags therefore further reducing the amount of plastic we use.

With a more widespread push to better take care of our planet, Kendall says she the number of calls from food producers wanting to see if the farm could take on their byproducts or cast offs have increased, a “bit of a snowball effect”. While many companies are trying to reduce their environmental impact, some of what she has been receiving surprises her.

(Courtesy of Central Park Farms)

It’s really shocking to see what great shape this food is in that we feed but unfortunately in many cases by the time it goes through the supply chain from the grower/packer/producer to the distribution centre and then the grocery store it will have gone bad. But when we get it, it’s still in fantastic shape. Our kids often pull perfect fruit out before it goes to the pigs and eat it themselves while they work around the farm.

Kendall says we all need to do our part to leave the world a better place for our kids and that these changes go far beyond business operations and success.

That was the reason I got into farming in the first place is I was feeling like there was so much abuse in animal agriculture to both the animals and the environment so I just want to make sure we operate in a way that aligns with my values and how I want the world to be left for my family.

Look for future sustainability endeavours from Central Park Farms! Kendall says as her business continues to grow, constantly in a state of improvement, she is always looking for opportunities to integrate more efficient and eco-friendly systems and supples into farming operations.

On The Wild Side With: Food Migration

Inspired by a traditional Taiwanese snack, Ethan of Food Migration has created a line of bite sized treats perfect for tea lovers.

Where I came from, Taiwan, people enjoyed tea on daily basis. Traditionally, these type of snacks are often enjoyed with tea. As Chinese drink tea with no sugar or milk added, the taste of tea could sometime be dry (or astringent) and bitter. Little sweets like ChaNut serve perfectly in tea drinker’s mouth and balance out less wanted sensation with mild sweetness and nuttiness. That’s why we call it perfect snack of tea.

Food Migration’s brand most familiar to market customers is called ChaNut, which has a more meaningful connection to its purpose as a compliment to tea than some may realize.

Our brand name ChaNut is actually the combination of Chinese phonic of tea, “Cha” and English word “Nuts,” which we are hoping will catch the spirit of tea and deliver the message to our customers.

There are currently three lines of ChaNut creations. Depending on the flavour, their main ingredients range from peanuts, to pumpkin and black sesame seeds, all bound by malt syrup, giving them their distinct and unifying flavour.

It’s actually my mother’s recipe. She cracked the formula from the traditional snack, we have in Taiwan. My Mom, like most of the parents, disbarred all kinds of junky snack. As nut gaining its popularity in the recent years, she decided to make her own snack. I learned from her after she proudly shared it with me on my trip back home couple years ago. I did tweak the recipe a bit afterward, but the basic taste is inherited from my mother.

Ethan says he used to think inspiration to create new food products was like a sparkle, coming from nowhere and caused by many of happy coincidences. Now he says new flavours are first inspired by the familiarity of Taiwan recipes and are then given a Canadian twist.

We ask our friends and family from time to time and improve the product base their feedback as well, trying to find the taste that can relate to our community. I guess you can say the inspiration is from where I am from and where I live now, and its a combination of who we are.

With its current success, Food Migration is looking to further migrate its favourite foods into the Canadian market. Ethan says he hopes products will continue to perk customers interest.

Much like a friend sharing great stuff with each other, I am hoping Food Migration would be your foodie friend. We hope the customer to know that ChaNut is a great healthy nutty snack, a great product before or after work out, and most importantly its a snack they could enjoy in any given day.

On The Wild Side With: The Raw Guy

Kale is one of those vegetables that some would like to not include in their diet but what we can all agree on is its nutritiousness.

Kale is a super food, so a great source of Vitamins A, B6, C, K, Calcium, Potassium, Copper Manganese, Iron, and fiber. The list goes on and on. We could write a book and some have.

Brian, “The Raw Guy” has created a product that takes an unconventional approach to consuming kale, enticing more people to enjoy the benefits of having a healthy snack option.

The foods that I offer at market are “Transitional Food”. Foods that have a familiar look, taste and mouth feel to the foods most of us are used to. This helps us move into a more raw plant based way of eating without feeling deprived. So these are flavours you would see in any chip out there and yes maybe a couple you wouldn’t.

Brian has taken his own raw food diet experience and desire to share this with others to create a range of uniquely flavoured kale chips, further inspired by his customers and own desire to fuse different food together.

So when I heard some talking on raw food a light went on and I’ve been following the light since then….It’s more a desire to share the power of food as a medicine.

Raw organic food leaves the nutritional profile of the food in tacked as nature intended. Brian says this means maximizing the nutritional value with the least amount of bodily energy expended and this concept is carried over into his products as well.

All this in order to maximize our health while having a yummy taste treat. There are exceptions naturally, but if you’re looking to optimize your health a diet high in raw plants is an impressive way to go.

Kale can grow almost all year in the Lower Mainland. Brian says it’s a hardy plant, not requiring perfect soil conditions or copious amounts of sunlight.

It’s one tough customer, but delivers a ton of nutrition. Go figure.

Fun Fact: Did you know a serving of kale has more Vitamin C than an orange?

Now you know! 

Getting To Know: West Coast Chipwich

(Courtesy of West Coast Chipwich)

So what is a chipwich?

A chipwich is a handmade artisan ice cream sandwich. The name chipwich coming from the Chocolate CHIP cookies, the wich from the sandWICH

West Coast Chipwich’s Dave Roberts has always been a cookie fan but wanted to create a delicious twist on the classic treat, ice cream sandwiches.

Ice cream and cookies whats not to like right? But is always seemed so boring with the  tasteless wafer like chocolate cookie and plain vanilla ice cream that you always associate with.

After recently moving back to Canada after living in the United States for a couple of years, Dave began experimenting with flavours, and with much success among friends, he decided to take his creation to the next level: building a business.

I saw the amazing artisan ice cream shops around Vancouver and BC, I thought here is an area that needs some awesome chipwichs!!

Sourcing local and supporting other small local businesses are very important to Dave. Taking “local” to another level, the cookies that form the chipwich are all baked by Dave himself.

I actually bake all my own cookies as they are not your traditional treats. My cookies use different sugars, molasses and cooking methods to make sure that they are not too sweet and also don’t turn rock hard when frozen.

(Courtesy of West Coast Chipwich)

In line with West Coast Chipwich’s commitment to local businesses, the company’s ice cream is BC made, from the raw dairy to the production.

The most important part for me was that the company was local and used BC dairy. I think that this is important not only to the taste but also to my vision to support and source local. One day I hope to make my own ice cream!

Dave is always ready to create and try out new flavours combinations.

There are so many subtle changes that can be made in the cookie recipe, cook times and temperatures that can change not only the taste but the texture and sweetness levels as well. Once I have a  combination of cookie and ice cream that’s when the real experimentation begins!

To ensure the highest quality product, Dave cuts no corners, baking and assembling all products by hand. From weddings, and birthdays, to employee appreciation, West Coast Chipwich has all your catering needs covered!

…or just to be the awesome guy in the neighborhood I am available for your next event! Over the next six months I want to put my delicious product into the hands of as many of my BC neighbors as possible. I am confident that everyone who tries my product will love it. 

Only in his first year of business, Dave is ready to continue to grow his company and challenge himself, even looking to future labour expansions.

Fresh Eats Blog: Potatoes

Here at the Coquitlam Farmers Market we are all about local, seasonal and sustainably grown produce. What better way to celebrate the summer months than a fresh take on some familiar foods! This week’s topic: potatoes.

Did you know potatoes are one of the world’s most important staples? From 1845 to 1852, Ireland experienced a great famine due to the shortage of potatoes, killing about one million people.

Did You Know?

Did you know many compare potatoes to pasta or bread because of the amount of carbohydrates it contains? There are thousands of different varieties of potatoes, all pollinated by bees!

Despite the name, did you know sweet potatoes are only loosely related to potatoes?

Potatoes are in season in South West British Columbia from August until sold out the next year! Make sure you stop by the market this Sunday to try some of the province’s best!

Recipe of the Week

Salad- Stuffed Tomatoes 



3 red potatoes
Salt and freshly ground pepper
4 large tomatoes
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons red-wine vinegar
1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice (1/2 lemon)
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 cucumber, seeded and cut into 1 1/2-inch-long matchsticks
1/2 bunch arugula (1 1/3 cups), cut into thin strips
4 onions, peeled and cut into thin rounds


Step 1- Place potatoes in a small saucepan; cover with salted water. Bring water to a boil, and cook potatoes until fork tender, 12 to 15 minutes. Remove pan from heat, and transfer potatoes to an ice-water bath until cool.

Step 2- Drain potatoes, and slice into 1 1/2-inch-long matchsticks; set aside.

Step 3- Slice off the tops of tomatoes; discard tops. Using a melon baller, scoop out the seeds and flesh; discard. Set the tomato “bowls” aside.

Step 4- In a small bowl, whisk together mustard, vinegar, and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper. Slowly whisk in oil. Set vinaigrette aside.

Step 5- In a medium bowl, combine potatoes, cucumber, arugula, and onions. Add reserved vinaigrette; toss gently to combine. Divide salad among tomato bowls, and garnish with dill fronds, if available.

Ingredients at the Market

Cucumbers: Forstbauer Farms, Nutrigreens, Ripple Creek Organic Farm, Wah Fung Farm

Potatoes: Forstbauer Farms, Shen’s Farm, Never Say Die

Tomatoes: Forstbauer Farms, Never Say Die, Ripple Creek Organic Farm

Arugula: Langley Organic Growers

Onions: Ripple Creek Organic Farm

Butter & Cheese: Golden Ears Cheescrafters

Other Greens and Vegetables: Floralia Growers, Forstbauer Farms, Langley Organic Growers, Never Say Die Farm, Ripple Creek Organic Farm, Shen’s Farm, Wah Fung Farm

Steps on How To Grow

Potato Planting 101:

Step 1- Plant seeds or small portions of pre-cut potatoes in nutrient rich soil. If you are planting pre-cut pieces of potatoes, make sure you cut them about one day before in order to give it time to form a protective layer prior to planting.

Step 2- Form a trench and then spread and mix in rotted manure or organic compost in the bottom.

Step 3- Plant seed potatoes one foot apart in a 4-inch deep trench, eye side up.

Note: It is recommended to practice yearly crop rotation.

Step 4- Make sure you water your plants regularly. This is especially important when the tubers are forming. Potatoes like growing in soft soil that can be drained well.

Step 5- When the plant is about six inches tall, hoe the dirt up around the base of the plant in order to cover the root as well as to support the plant. Bury them in loose soil. This ensures the crop does not get sunburnt.

Note: If you see your potatoes have turned green, this is a result of them being sunburnt. Do not eat them!

Step 6- Repeat step 5 every few weeks to protect your crop.

Step 7- The time of harvest depends on what time of year you have planted. Harvest could occur between 60 to 90 days after planting.

Step 8- Harvest your crop after the plant’s foliage has died back. Cut browning foliage to the ground and wait 10 to 14 days before harvesting to allow the potatoes to develop a thick enough skin. Don’t wait too long, though, or the potatoes may rot.

Step 9- Dig potatoes on a dry day. Dig up gently, being careful not to puncture the tubers.

Potatoes in B.C.

Did you know potatoes make up 52% of all fresh vegetables consumed in Canada? Canada is among the top 20 potato producing countries worldwide and is the most valuable vegetable crop in Canada.

Potatoes are grown in every province including B.C.! Although not one of the main producers, there are dozens of farmers who produce this crop! As a country, we produce about $1 billion worth of potatoes annually.

Getting to Know: Rockweld Farm

Rockweld Farm is all about fresh, local and natural foods! Owners and operators Tim and Flo Rempel raise small flocks of 600 to 1,500 chickens across one and a half acres on their Abbotsford farm.

Our chicken and eggs are Certified Organic fed, BCSPCA Certified, and raised without any medication.

The Rempels have been apart of farmers markets for many years and love being able to bring their products closer to many consumers homes’.

We attend farmers markets to get more of our product out to the
consumer and not have to wholesale – no middle person! Farmers market people are great and loyal customers.

In addition to chicken and eggs that Rockweld is known for, you can also find 100% chicken sausages; raw and smoked, gluten free and sodium nitrite free.

…And all of our sausage casings are made from seaweed and they taste great!

Rockweld Farm stemmed from the Rempels desire to grow better tasting, humanely raised chicken and eggs.

We can provide our customers fresh, local, good food. All of our
products direct to the consumer, at our farm store in Abbotsford and at farmers markets.