To end off an amazing month of zero waste initiatives, we are highlighting a new program for customers of the much beloved Biscotti Joe Coffee! Lovingly toted the “bead program,” regular customers have been encouraged to bring their own mug to market.
If customer brings their own mug and purchase a cup of my coffee, I would give them a ring that has a colorful bead attached. Every time they buy another cup of coffee, they would receive another bead and when they reach six beads, they get a free cup of coffee!
Harry says this program is similar to coffee cards but more fun and has been received well.
In light of the no straws campaigns happening in Metro Vancouver, I think my program fits in with trying to reduce waste. I believe that you have a new style red mug available to new members that sign up. If you mention my program to them, it would be a nice tie in.
So make sure to bring your own mug or thermos when you visit Biscotti Joe Coffee at market and collect those beads!