Trying New Fruits and Vegetables

The importance of fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables are an important part of healthy eating and healthy bodies, they contain important nutrients such as vitamins, fiber, and minerals. Meals and snacks should include plenty of fruits and vegetables and the new Canada Food Guide recommends that you should be aiming to make half of you and your child’s plates fruits and vegetables. However, sometimes it can be difficult to get your child to enjoy and try new healthy food options.


5 Tips for getting your child to love fruits and vegetables:

  1. Introduce new fruits and vegetables alongside familiar foods. Does your child love tacos? try adding beans and roasted vegetables to them!
  2. Choose different textures, colours, and shapes. This not only aids in sensory learning for your child but also ensures they are getting a range of vitamins and minerals from their foods.
  3. Lead by example! If your children see others trying new fruits and vegetables they are more willing to try it along with them. Making healthy choices for yourself will promote healthy habits in your children.
  4. Get your children involved. Try planting your own foods or taking them to your local farmers market to learn about new foods, where they come from and how they are grown. Another great way to to get children involved is to include them in grocery shopping and meal preparation.
  5. Try, try again. Most children need to be introduced to a new food up to 10 times before they will try it, and it can be another few tries until they decide if they enjoy it, so don’t give up. Giving your child fruits and vegetables from a young age can assist in making them more open to trying new foods.

On Sunday May 12 our POP Club kids will be trying radishes at the Two Bite Club, learn more about the POP Club here and visit us at the market to register.

The POP Club is a farmer’s market-based kids program. Children (ages 5 – 12 years old) will learn about fruits and vegetables, local food systems and healthy food preparation through fun activities all season long.

Each week children will earn a $3 market token to use towards any fruit or vegetable of their choice. There is no cost to participate and the program runs every Sunday rain or shine!