Meet Tairalyn & Salma; Bloggers & Farmers Market Shoppers

We’re really excited to be working with two local bloggers over the next few months of the Port Moody Winter Farmers Market. They’re both lifestyle bloggers, mothers, lovers and supporters of buying local, and creating ideas in the kitchen. Tairalyn from Little Miss Mama is a mother of one, who takes you through her daily life of what fun and trouble her and her daughter get into. From getting messy in the kitchen, to crafting, gardening and playing dress-up, you’re sure to fall in love with both her and Sofia in all that they get into and share with us. Next we have Salma from The Write Balance, she is a mother of two, who started writing to share her journey of trying to find balance between motherhood and the rest of life. On her blog you’ll find parenting posts, crafts, healthy recipes, meal plans and much more. You’ll really be able to relate to her and her family as they share all their ups and downs.

Tairalyn wrote a feature that included the Port Moody Farmers Market that we felt inclined to share:


#supportlocal; a hashtag that is as popular as it is important. Do you support your local community? If not you may have no idea how much better an apples taste from a local tree freshly picked? Or the taste of an handmade {with love} marshmallow or jeez, even wine made from 100% locally grown grapes. You’re missing out my friends, you need to change that.

If you follow us on Instagram you’ll know that we’ve been hitting our local farmers’ market here on Sundays, and were picking up so much more than just fresh fruits and vegetables you guys! Two weeks ago we came home with marshmallows, wine and even infused marinating salts. While this week we snagged a bag of illegally delicious kettle corn that Sofia and I may or may not have polished off en-route home. I consider ourselves very lucky to have a Winters Farmers’ Market available close to home; do you have one near?

WANNA HEAR some other juicy and delicious news? No really, do you?! Let’s all assume you answered yes. Myself along with the lovely Salma from The Write Balance are going to be working with Port Moodys Farmers Market a little more closely than we have in the past as shoppers. Over the course of the next 2 months we be helping bring awareness to not only the importance of supporting your local community and Farmers’ Market, but also hosting a weekly giveaway on their Instagram and Twitter, as well as dishing out some fun tips and tricks on home gardening.

This hits close to home for me, given the opportunity to work with such amazing people and sharing our love of gardening and for local businesses. I mean you all know how much my husband is a green thumb, case in point, our backyard garden last year {see here and here}. He has big dreams this year not only for his garden, but for Sofia’s part in it. He hopes to have her helping more, as she showed such great interest last year, and have her actually selling the vegetables from her own little veggie stand outside the house. Can you say adorable? You’d better believe I have already been all over Pinterest for a DIY veggie-stand as well as tips on ways to weave in a money management lesson to a 3 year old. Because before you know it our home will be filled to the brim with stuffies, gold fish crackers, sticky hands that she’s purchased with her profits.


Salma also wrote a feature that included the Port Moody Farmers Market, take a look:

This week’s 3 Things Thursday has a theme, it’s all about Farmers Markets. Why you might ask? As a family, we are already big fans of our local summer farmers market, but I discovered that we have a local, weekly Winter Farmers Market in Port Moody as well. How great is that!

Not only do they have local, seasonal fruits and vegetables we can buy, there are also many other great local vendors to support such as beer and wine, desserts and prepared food as well as crafts and jewelry to name just a few.

Not only am I happy to be able to shop local, for the next couple of months I’m going to be working one of my friends and favourite bloggers, Tairalyn as well as the farmers market to help promote shopping local with their great list of vendors as well as their monthly hands-on workshops.

In addition to that, we are hosting a fun weekly giveaway on their Instagram and Twitter accounts where you will learn some tips and tricks you may not already know, about gardening along with the chance to win money to spend at the market on Sundays!

And now, three reasons why we love the Farmers Market:


1. The Best Produce
Where else can you get cucumbers the size of a three-year old and juicy, sweet blueberries that you can eat right away without washing? And all grown in beautiful British Columbia.

farmers market 3 things

2. Shop Local
Farmers Markets give you the opportunity to shop local and support the local farmers and vendors. Why is it important to shop local you might ask?  Not only does it support locally owned businesses, it helps them grow and they in turn use local resources, employ local workers and service local customers. It really helps to grow and sustain the community.

Plus, they make really good lemonade and that’s a good enough reason for my 5-year old to shop local.

farmers market lemonade

3. Carbon Footprint
If you think about sustainability and your carbon footprint, farmers markets really help you reduce your footprint for a number of reasons. One, your food doesn’t have to travel so many miles before it gets to you.  Purchasing in-season produce also helps you  avoid energy sinks like heated greenhouses and cold storage. Overall it’s healthier food for you to be consuming while doing your part for the community and environment.

Photo Courtesy: Coquitlam Farmers Market

What are your thoughts on farmers markets and #supportinglocal?

Those are the three things I wanted to share for this week’s #3ThingsThursday. now I’d love to hear yours. If you want to participate, here’s what you need to do. Write a blog post about three things you want to share. Grab the badge from the top of my post. Make sure to link back to either myself, Salma at The Write Balance, Raj at Pink Chai Living or Nisha at Love Laugh Mirch. Then click on the linky below to add your post. It’s that easy. Can’t wait to read about your three things.

Happy Thursday and maybe I’ll see you at the farmers market :)